A New Addition!
To our collection
At Fab Fairies and Wicked Tarts we’re known for making ‘grown up’ versions of children’s fairy cakes; and now we’ve taken the childhood favourite marshmallows and given them a sophisticated edge.
We wanted marshmallows to be more like they used to be before mass production made them the sweet and slightly chalky pink and white confection found in the supermarket.
These marshmallows are seriously light and airy. Soft and pillow like, full of flavour and not sickly sweet. The marshmallows are made with real ingredients, everything you could find in a baking enthusiast’s (who likes a drink!) home kitchen. We needed people to try them to see if they got as excited about them as we did. So we trialled two flavours in the summer, passion fruit and vodka and lime.
Passion Pillows is a passion fruit hit of pure pleasure; a marshmallow made with passion fruit sandwiched with a zingy layer of passion fruit puree. The feedback was amazing and people could not get enough of them, the oddest comment was from the extraordinarily talented Tim Minchin who said they sounded like boobs!
High Spirited is a sundowner in a confection; a marshmallow with a shot of vodka and fresh lime juice, definitely a very adult sweet delight. This got a big thumbs up and definitely was very popular with the public. ‘Never tasted anything like it’, ‘I want them at my wedding’ were some of the comments that people made’.
We sold them over six nights at a summer event and they were a sell out!
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